
Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for Client Funds and members leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society. 

London CIV are a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code and the UN backed PRI which both support the development of global best practice to align objectives and incentives across the investment community; widen the application of stewardship practices to all assets under management; encourage better communication to beneficiaries and clients; and systematically integrate stewardship, including environmental, social and governance issues, into investment decision making.

Our active ownership strategy is implemented using a variety of investor stewardship tools such as:

  • Engagement with current or potential investees or issuers
  • Voting at shareholder meetings
  • Filing of shareholder resolutions

We will set engagement objectives linked to the priority themes with our engagement provider and investment managers. We select priority themes based upon London CIV’s risk exposure in terms of size of holdings against financial risk materiality and social impact. 

We will publish a single voting policy for all assets managed by London CIV and provide online voting and engagement records at least twice a year. 

Read more about our Voting and Engagement work here.

However, our stewardship practices are not only about the companies we lend to and invest in. We recognise that stewardship should also be implemented by investors by using our influence over policy makers and other non-issuer stakeholders through:

  • Engagement with policy makers
  • Engagement with standard setters
  • Contributions to publicly available research
  • Public disclosure
  • Monitoring of service providers, particularly our investment managers 

Read more about our Policy Advocacy work here.

Read more about our oversight of investment managers here.

London CIV Responsible Investment Stewardship Outcomes Report 2024

Download Here

Public Engagement Report 2024 Q1

Download here

London CIV Stewardship Policy 2022

Download here

London CIV Voting Guidelines 2022

Download Here

EOS 2022 Annual Review London CIV Engagement Highlights

Download here

Our engagement factsheets can be downloaded here:

Federated Hermes - EOS - Engagement Factsheet - Q3 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Engagement Factsheet - Q2 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Engagement Factsheet - Q1 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Engagement Factsheet - Q4 2022
Federated Hermes - EOS - Engagement Factsheet - Q3 2022

Our voting statistics reports can be downloaded here:

Federated Hermes - EOS - Voting Statistics - Q3 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Voting Statistics - Q2 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Voting Statistics - Q1 2023
Federated Hermes - EOS - Voting Statistics - Q4 2022
Federated Hermes - EOS - Voting Statistics - Q3 2022
© London CIV 2021
London LGPS CIV Limited is a private limited company, registered in England and Wales, registered number 9136445. Registered office 4th Floor, 22 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority number 710618.

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