
London CIV recognise that our voice is more efficient and effective when we work together. This is why we work in collaboration with a multitude of partners and industry leaders. 

Asset Owner Diversity Charter - an initiative set up by Brunel, Cambridge, Camden, London CIV, Lothian and NEST pension funds to develop a formal set of actions the industry can commit to in order to improve diversity across the investment industry

Climate Action100+ an investor initiative to drive corporate action on climate change involving over 400 investors with over $35 trillion in assets engaging 100 systemically important emitters

Cost Transparency Initiative (CTI) an independent group tasked by the FCA in 2018 to deliver a standardised template to disclose costs, 100% of London CIV managers do so

Deforestation Free Pensions Working Group was established by Global Canopy, Systemiq and Make My Money Matter to develop practical guidance to enable pension funds to identify, address, and eliminate deforestation, conversion and associated human rights abuses from their investments. We are an active member with the ambition to provide practical guidance and consultation for Global Canopy and partners.

Diversity Project London CIV are members of the Diversity Project, whose purpose is to accelerate progress towards an inclusive culture in the investment and savings profession. An inclusive culture across all levels supports more effective teamwork, gives wider perspectives, better investment decisions, better results for our clients and ultimately more sustainable businesses. The Project spans the whole range of the profession: asset owners, fund managers, fund selectors, pension consultants, actuaries, trustees, wealth managers and the professional standards and trade bodies. We believe that recognisable and measurable progress can be achieved over the Project’s five year timeframe.

FSB’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) as a signatory London CIV publish a climate risk analysis covering listed equity, fixed income, infrastructure and sovereign debt

LAPFF London CIV is a pool member and tracks LAPFF guidance on our voting and engagement and any difference from our own voting and engagement where they cross over (LAPFF only covers 100 companies) and is seeking opportunities to collaborate on targeted investments

Marine Conservation Society: Microplastics Pollution successful engagement outcomes provide a significant contribution to SDG 14, “Life under Water” specifically Target 14.1

IPDD an investor initiative we joined to support our commitment to deforestation and its associated human rights issues.

Investor Alliance for Human Rights London CIV became a signatory and joined two working groups in discussing human rights issues in the ICT sector and the Uyghur region.

Pensions for Purpose as an affiliate we participate in thought leadership discussions and publications to enhance and share our knowledge of impact investment

ShareAction: the Good Work Coalition focusses on a broader range of international topics including: Living Wage, Insecure Work and Gender Equality for Low Paid Women.

ShareAction: Healthy Markets Coalition group of investors with over $1 trillion in AUM aimed at increasing accountability of food retailers and manufacturers for their role and impact on people’s diets and the growing concerns surrounding increasing levels of obesity

TNFD Forum we joined in 2022 to support our biodiversity stewardship theme and disclosures. UN backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in signing we have committed to and promote six guiding principles incorporating ESG issues into investment decision making and active ownership, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities.

UK Stewardship Code The UK Stewardship Code 2020 sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.

The Code applies to:

Asset owners such as pension schemes, insurers, foundations, endowments, local government pension pools and sovereign wealth funds.

Asset managers who manage assets on behalf of UK clients or invest in UK assets.

Service providers such as investment consultants, proxy advisors, data and research providers that support asset owners and asset managers to exercise their stewardship responsibilities.

UNPRI Tax Reference Group we have been an active member of this corporate tax responsibility working group

UNPRI Advance launched in 2022 focuses on advancing human rights and social issues through investor stewardship. We joined to help support our key stewardship themes

© London CIV 2025
London LGPS CIV Limited is a private limited company, registered in England and Wales, registered number 9136445. Registered office 4th Floor, 22 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority number 710618.

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