Ben Fogle closes successful London CIV Conference with a selfie…

Dean Bowden, CEO, opened the London CIV Annual Conference on Monday setting out his vision for the business and celebrity guest speaker Ben Fogle closed the two day event with a talk on enjoying the journey and not just the destination – plus he took a great Hollywood style selfie!

Dean’s reflections post the event were: “The conference was a huge success and really show cased the capability of the London CIV, the breadth of solutions we offer and the quality of the managers we work with. We had two excellent days of presentations, panel meetings and workshops. We discussed everything from Affordable Housing, to the DLUHC Consultation and closed with an excellent panel discussion on Natural Capital. This was in itself the perfect segway to introduce our special guest speaker and well known climate campaigner Ben Fogle who closed the Conference on such an upbeat note.

“The evening before, we were very fortunate to have the redoubtable former Head of MI5 Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller speaking to our guests in the unique surroundings of the National Gallery.  

"The highlight for me though was the positive energy and sentiment from our clients (both officers and elected members) in exploring ways to work with the London CIV to aid in the management of their pension funds. The feedback I have received both during and in the immediate aftermath of the conference has been resoundingly positive and my huge thanks for all of their hard work to those that organised the event. I would also like to thank all those who took part in the event from our presenters, to our sponsors and of course to our shareholders and clients for making it such a memorable and successful conference.”

© London CIV 2021
London LGPS CIV Limited is a private limited company, registered in England and Wales, registered number 9136445. Registered office 4th Floor, 22 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority number 710618.

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